Diese Methode haben wir in Kommentaren eines Etsy-Artikels gefunden. Eine Verkäuferin hatte zum Erstellen von Produktfotos von Schmuck einen Flachbettscanner verwendet. Wir wollten dies selbst ausprobieren, um zu sehen, wie wirksam diese Methode für die Produktfotografie ist. Für gewisse Produkte funktionierte es überraschenderweise sehr gut und erwies sich als schnelle und einfache Lösung. Hier sind einige Hinweise dazu, was bei der Verwendung eines Scanners für die Produktfotografie zu beachten ist.
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Examples of product photos taken with a scanner and then edited in Clipping Magic
We tried both a cheap scanner built into an all-in-one printer and a more expensive high DPI scanner for this. We found that cheap scanners did not produce a great result. They didn't have the resolution and the depth of field to handle anything other than flat documents.
Photos taken of earrings on a High DPI (left) vs Cheap (right) Scanner
What did work great was the Epson Perfection V600 Photo Scanner (currently available for around 200 bucks on Amazon, you can also find refurbished ones for less). This scanner's resolution went all the way up to 12,800 DPI (Dots Per Inch, or in simpler terms how much detail it's capturing) which is probably more than you would ever need. You should use a higher DPI for your smaller objects, but you probably won't need to go past 1,600 DPI.
Place your object on the scanner bed. Make sure whatever you're going to scan is as close to the bed glass as possible.
Instead of closing the top over the products, we just covered them with a sheet of white paper. You can play around with what works best for your products, whether that's using the cover, a piece of paper, or leaving it completely uncovered.
This is the resulting product photo from this scanning method after being edited in Clipping Magic
Scanners can work great for smaller, flatter objects that aren't reflective or metallic. We tried scanning earrings, trinkets, and flatter alcohol bottles and got similar results to what we achieved with a DSLR + studio setup.
Photos taken of earrings on a DSLR (left) vs the High DPI Scanner (right) — both were edited in Clipping Magic
We found that highly reflective or metallic products don't work well with a scanner. This includes gold/silver earrings and gemstones. The way the scanner captures an image doesn't work well for reflective objects. This is strongly evident in the example below where we compare the image of a highly reflective gold earring taken both in a light box with a DSLR and in our scanner.
Photos taken of reflective metallic earrings on a DSLR + light box (left) vs the High DPI Scanner (right) — both were edited in Clipping Magic
Ein Scanner mit einer hohen Auflösung (DPI) kann sich als gute Alternative erweisen, wenn Sie nicht den Platz oder die Zeit haben, um ein Studio in großem Rahmen einzurichten. Die besten Produktfotos erhalten Sie zwar in einem gut ausgerüsteten Studio, aber mit einem Scanner können auch akzeptable Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Wofür Sie sich letztendlich entscheiden, hängt von Ihrem Budget ab und davon, über welche Ausrüstung Sie bereits verfügen und welche Produkte Sie verkaufen.
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